Friday, November 28, 2008

By Request: Tsinelas by Buhay

Mark and I had been talking about writing as a good outlet and while he was making our Christmas posting he asked me to write about a topic and this is it. I had to remind him that I write to express and not to impress but what the heck, the topic sounds good - so I'm giving it a try.

I'm no guru about love and relationship so I have to depend on Mark's and he who should not be named other guy - perspective.

I don't know if ladies are aware of the term "tsinelas ng buhay" - I had to ask the boys to define for me to make sure that I'm understanding them correctly. The term "tsinelas ng buhay" are usually used by playboys. They use this term to refer to that single lady they come home to after they are done "playing around". I am well aware that ladies are far more liberated nowadays (Philippine setting only) and needless to say, very much empowered. So there are really ladies who agree on such set up - boy-girl relationship (there's really a commitment; FUBU's/Friends with Benefits set up is not included in the definition); another girl comes along- no strings attached (just for fun thingy).

Why are you doing this - that's the next question I had to asked out of curiousity of the explanation of such a behavior. I can only think of one - boredom - and yes, they validated that one. Boys do get bored of the routinary things involved in a boy-girl relationship. They wanted to try other flavors so to speak (like ladies are some sort of an ice cream). Whatever the reason maybe, girls shouldn't be flattered at all when someone refer to them as their "tsinelas ng buhay" - that they are the woman their boyfriend prefers to come home to at the end of the day...that after their guys have tried other set of shoes - they still come home to that old pair of slippers that they are very much comfortable with. This is no complement. Guys can sugarcoat their stories, rationalize and what not - this is still cheating you know. This is betrayal of one's trust, of one's love and an insult to the person that lady is. Ladies may have their inadequacies, tell me who doesn't, just like guys have their imperfections. But this is not enough reason, no reason at all for such a behavior. Should ladies feel lucky if you reason to them that after all the playing around, you still chose them over the other? That's too shallow for a justification, isn't it? Ladies should know better that they are not kids anymore that can be bribe with candies or chocolates.

Respect. Honesty. Commitment. Those I think are the essentials for a relationship to work. Once there's betrayal of trust - that relationship will go nowhere.

Mark, I tried to hear out both sides - I just can't. You said it yourself - this is not good. So there goes my warning to all my ladies. wink***

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