Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Another Year of Boundless Possibilities

Yes, there's no staying at 21; just like you can never stay as a kid forever.

Ahhhh, I'm now 22. Time sure flies so fast and much to the amazement of my parents. It was not long ago when they were holding me in their arms; fragile, vulnerable and dependent, and although I'm still fragile, vulnerable and dependent in some ways, I myself is amaze of the person I am today.

It is indeed another year of boundless possibilities and I'm holding to that thought with much enthusiasm and optimitism. Another year to grow, to be better. A chance to fulfill some aspirations (just some, hehe - you can't do it all). Another year to live life to its fullest.

True, life is not always fair but it has always been good to me. So bring it on!


d said...

happy birthday janey! love yah..
i wish you all the happiness..

Janey-ism said...

Thanks Love :)

Anonymous said...

happy new year, happy new you, happy birthday mommy!

Janey-ism said...

Thanks Baby!