Monday, January 19, 2009

Guys like you don't fall for girls like ME -

Guys like you don't fall for girls like ME - a self impose restrictions to one's self; or in this case, a reason one may used to stop the inevitable.

What made you so sure that he doesn't like you? That he won't fall for you? What are the basis of such an assumption? Did he tell you straight up that you are not his kind of girl? These are some of the questions that I like you to answer. And don't give me that reason puhhleaseeee - "I just know that I'm not his type of girl". What made you say and conclude that???

If he is such a smart ass just like you're telling me, then it would be no surprise if he is playing some mind games on you. Stuff like: one day you're talking incessantly with each other, the next day he won't even bother to say hi (seen this before and this is quite effective and I think it's working with you also); play Mr. I-could-not-care-less, I-don't-notice-you but would check on you if you have fever or give that passing complement that you look pretty today (just wait, he will notice that new hairstyle too but just delaying it).

Here, I'm giving you tips on how to caught his attention (hopefully this works):
  • Try to smile at him - Don't give him that lust smile okay (lol); give him a genuine friendly smile (a smile that implies, I'm so happy to see you today).
  • I have known you to be great in giving those witty comebacks - try some on him. "You have turn my brain into some gray lump useless matter", if I remember your statement right. C'mon, you can do better than just wallow on the thought that he is so intelligent and so what not that you are almost willing to give up without a fight. Excuse such as language command (Tagalog specifically) will not justify it. Use Mandarin on him then. My point is, will you at least try.
  • Lastly, be proactive. Initiate a conversation if given the chance. A simple hi or how are you today will not hurt.
I do understand your fears and sure, this maybe even out of your character but you know what, if he's not making you sleep and all and you're so convinced that this has gone out of hands (that you need to end this craziness of yours) then, I strongly suggest take you matters in your hands. Be proactive. But then again I know already what you are going to tell me - Mom, I can't do it.


Anonymous said...

I can't do it, mom. You knew I was going to say that all along.

And besides, today I choose not to care anymore. I am getting him out of my system.

Janey-ism said...

If he is not worth the trouble, then do it. Remember that you still call the shot, so removing him in your system is very much doable..wink**
Love you baby! Aja!