Wednesday, January 2, 2013

First Weekend of January


I had a stressful Thursday last week. H got into an accident and he dislocated his arm. I was so worried of him, good thing he has no broken bones and will be out of sling after 2 weeks. But even that is not comforting to know. I know how hard it will be for him to do errands even the most mundane one. And again, I can only hope that at this time I was with him to make him feel a bit better.

Even if he was on sling, we spend a good amount of time together. We played games and it was so much fun. It is safe to say now that I do better with foreign history but not I suck big time at Philippine history quizzes (I know, shame on me lol). If I don't do well on foreign questions at least I have an excuse but boy, I don't have any single excuse for not knowing how many Philippine provinces are there (Answer: 79). But we had fun and that is all that matter. 

I was also able to finish the book, Sweet Revenge by Nora Roberts. I was a couple of chapters away last Friday and had to finished it right away when I got home from work, Saturday morning. I  have started  reading new one just this morning,  Brazen Virtue by the same author. Thank you to my friend, Aira, for letting me lend the books. 
I had a very good weekend all in all. I was productive to say the least =)

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