Friday, August 21, 2009

Beware, Beware

Beware of a person who acts like your friend but then back bites you after. Beware of a person who is only after of what she can get from you and after getting it will gossip you around. Beware of a two-face person.

I don't know how it started or what was the root of all this issue. I don't know how it came about. What I know is that one day, one agent approach me and told me something and I give him a questioning look.

I have no prior knowledge of this certain incident among with the many others that had occurred but what I do know now is that, the rumor that has reached me is not just a rumor after all, it's true. When I ask the person involved if such 'walk out scene' happened, she said it did and I can only ask her why the rest of the team did not know this. A peace keeper that she is, she chose to let it pass hoping that such won't happen again. But sadly, that has not been the case in the two weeks or so.

I just cited one concern out of the many that I have been hearing and confirming. But somehow this is enough to tell me that she is not the person I thought she were after almost two years of working with each other. I wonder what the team did to her. She was all good to us all this time and now that she left the department, she just changed drastically.

Well here is my piece of advice to you. Power tripping is fun but wait till it gets back at you. You've turned into this airhead woman when in fact, you have not proven anything. You position right now doesn't give you any right to gossip the department where you came from. The same department that sharpen what little thing you have before and now you are bragging as if you are that good. Practice some humility will you? You are not higher nor are we lower than's a lateral transfer, do you know what that means? LATERAL. Meaning, you and the rest of the team is just the same.

Don't think so highly of yourself, kindly tone it down for the time being. And even if one day you will be that accomplished, kindly practice some good manners. Going around and telling people gossips will not get you far, soon it will even catch up on you.

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