Thursday, February 25, 2010

Is There A Timeframe?

Is there a time frame for moving on? Should it be a week, a month or a year? It's highly relevant. We have different coping mechanisms and the depth of relationship is also something that needs to be taken into consideration. Some move on fast, some slow, some never, some too fast.

It doesn't matter what way you cope and move on but I think the general idea of moving on is to do it in a healthy manner. You do what you can to be able to get by every waking day but I think you don't want to hasten the process and in return fall flat on your ass without you realizing it. What do I mean by this?

I see some women in haste to replace the old love. Rebound is what we call it. The good thing about rebound is that it provides the needed distraction. It makes a woman feel good about herself. Adoration is good but we should be careful to distinguish one from the other, love vs. adoration. I think it is silly to hasten the process of healing just because you want to rub in your ex's face that you have moved on and as proof you have a new boy-toy. It is both childish and immature and needless to say, a desperate-pathetic act.

I admire women who takes their time to fix themselves. Women who regain their self-worth by being better in work perhaps or strengthening their relationship with family and friends now that they are single. I admire women who held their chin up and say, I was hurt and I'm still hurting and it's gonna be sometime but I know I will be okay.

Brown Noser

Brown-noser is a person who acts favorably to his or her peers to gain stasis or fancy that will eventually be used to their advantage. Such as a raise, promotion, or acceptance in a group. Usually brown-nosers will do anything to gain the approval of their person of choice.

Do you know someone who is like this? Because I sure do and I'm telling you, there is nothing good that will ever come out of it rather it is really low and classless.

I worked hard of the things I have in my life, none of them was offered in silver platter and brown-noser makes me sick and makes me laugh at the same time. They try so hard to be noticed yet you see that they are still struggling. Associating themselves to people yet they are still stuck.

Rules that I live by...

Work hard and work smart. Be efficient. Using others for your selfish motives will not do anyone good. At the end of the day, you are only cheating yourself.

Let your output do the talking. Let your work speaks for itself. If you are good, then let your work show it. Trying too hard will take so much of your energy. For women, it will only make you ugly (wink*).

What I'm really trying to say is, if you want to be on top do it without stepping, using and deceiving others. If you want it so badly, work for it. I like to take credit for the things I've done but I don't steal what's not mine. If you want to be on top, do it without cutting corners unless you want to be hated by your peers and elicit disrespect rather than respect. You are not fooling anyone but yourself -for all you know, your peers are having a good time laughing at you. Who would ever want that? I sure don't.

Goodbye AT&T

It has been 3 years that I have been working in the BPO industry. It didn't seem that long to me but yes, it has been sometime already.

We are officially closing this February 28 and being one of those people who were here from the very start of the account, I feel sad. I have grown and love this account; the up and downs of my ride as an agent, subject matter expert and above all - as a quality assurance analyst.

I've been training for a couple of days now with the new account that I will be transferred to and now that I'm down to my last two nights of evaluating agents, it is slowly sinking on me. I have develop a sence of attachment to the account and I'm saddened that the client is pulling out.

I guess this is the part really when you say to yourself time to moved on. Time to break the routine, go out once more in your comfort zone and dive deep and hard to the next thing that is waiting for you.

So long AT&T... Hello Expedia.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Monday, February 15, 2010

Heart's Day

Couples dating celebrating the Valentine's Day flood the mall either to watch a movie or to dine. Public display of affection is just everywhere... I happened to sit across a young couple in the jeepney on my way to dinner who are making out oblivious of the public watching them.

Valentine's day might be overrated to some but it is still a day a lot of people look forward to celebrating. It is a day when couples, young and old, married or not, group of friends, co-workers and family go out and express love to the people dear to them.

While I have the luxury of showing my parents and my sister how much I loved them, my partner is half way around the globe and I was contented of having him on the phone on this special day.

And yet, he maybe thousand of miles away but it did not stop him from making the hearts day so special for me. If there is a will, there is a way indeed (wink).

I was surprised to see Sed walked in at out dinner place carrying gifts for me. Here I am thinking I'm going to be the one to surprised her with our present, turns out I was wrong. I am happy with the simple things life has to offer me and was surprised with the extravagant surprise of my Sweetie.

Now looking all the presents, I am nothing but overwhelmed. I love gushing about them, how can I not and I would be a hypocrite if I say I don't feel extremely lucky for such expression of love by my partner.

But more than the extravagant presents, time and again he keeps going out of his way, go through all the troubles just to make me feel that he is just closed to me. More than the goods, it is the thought that counts. That not even the Pacific ocean can stop him from making me feel so special. I am appreciated and loved above all no questions asked and I love him so much from the bottom of my heart.

PS: Sweetie, I want you to know that I feel your love for me every single day without a doubt. You said it yourself, you are here with me day in and day out. Night and day for the last 14 months. I love you so much!

Sed, thank you for helping Anton do this for me. We owe you big time. Thank you for being there for us. I love you!

A great fiance/soon-to-be-husband and a great best friend...anything is possible with you two around, hehe.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

One of Those Days

This is one of those days when all I want to do is stay home and lie in bed
This is one of those days when I can used a really good read and think of nothing but be consumed in my own little world
This is one of those days when I feel like watching some feel good movies without a care in the world
This is one of those days when the feel of cold water and sand on my feet is just pure heaven
This is one of those days when indulging in ice cream and chocolates seems a very good idea
This is one of those days when I want romantic music fill my room and I just day dream
This is one of those days when I can really use a road trip down to nowhere I have never been
This is one of those days when I wish it is raining hard and I'm home in bed
This is one of those days....