Saturday, January 2, 2010

A New Beginning

I don't know what's with New Year but it always give me a renewed enthusiasm. With every closing of year, I have this renewed spirit to just be better and just do better in the coming year. And although I know that I really don't need to wait for the year end to make all those resolution list which I never get around of doing anyway, still, I have a few things that I bear in mind before the year starts.

2009 taught me to be patient, to wait, to not rush. 2010, I will be more patient and let things takes it course. It must be of good reason why I don't always get the things that I want or things don't work out the way I think it will be. I can't expect people to think the way I think, for them to operate the way I operate, so let it be.

2009 taught me so much about family and responsibility. 2010, my learning continues.

2009 showed me how great real friends are. 2010, cultivate the friendship for these are the people that accepts me, supports me, understands me, cares for me, loves me no matter how crazy I can get.

2009 showed me what real love is...the kind and unconditional one. The one that never judge, the one that embraces all your faults. Through the course of that journey, I learned so much about myself. 2010, countless possibilities...

I hope that with every new beginning given to me I'll be a better me.


clueless said...

one thing is for sure..we'll still laugh, cry, learn and enjoy life together this you always

Janey-ism said...

True...why should I fear what tomorrow may bring when I have a crazy bestfriend? hehe