Monday, January 4, 2010

I Find It Rather Amusing

Let's just say, I pay good attention to the littlest thing there is and I just want to write about this one thing that I find rather amusing. I mean, how hard it is to actually say that you don't want to discuss certain things for the time being?

You see, none discussion of certain topics can be brought about by a couple of good reasons. I know because I experienced this. Sometimes, the issue is just too complicated so the person would want to sort things out first. Or the person is deeply affected by the matter on hand. Or she is simply buying time, don't know how to verbalize certain things and would like to think through it. But the worst you can do is make that person feel that you avoiding the topic.

Some people like to hear excuses, the beating-around-the-bush kind of game. While some prefer the blunt truth. I prefer the latter, I'd like the let-us-hear-it-now-so-we-can-get-over-this-thing. But then again, that's just really the logical me talking. The illogical me would say, cut the crap and save those excuses to yourself.

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