First Reaction. Type what comes to your mind first whenever you hear these 40 words. Don't think and don't go back and change. Doesn't matter how random, just type it!
1. Beer: limit - 4 bottles (a very cold one please)
2. Anorexic: I pity them
3. Relationship: Great!
4. Your Last Ex: What ex are you talking about?
5. Power Rangers: Kimberly and Jason (Pink and Red Rangers)
6. Weed: Ugh, poison
7. Smoking: Government warning: Cigarette smoking is dangerous to your health.
8. Life: Tough but beautiful
9. The President: Greedy
10. Dreams: Everyone has to got one
11. Cars: Fast
12. Gas Prices: Up
13. Halloween: Trick or Treat
14. Bon Jovi: Sleeping child
15. Transvestites: Entertaining
16. Myspace: Unused and deleted
17. Worst fear: Losing my loved ones
18. Marriage: Something that I strongly believe in
19. Paris Hilton: Heir
20. Brunettes: Love the hair color
21. Redheads: Better than blonde hair
22: Politics: I'm apathetic, sorry
23: Work: Stable
24. One night stands: No thanks
25: Cell Phone: Motorola
26: High school: Learned so many things
27. Pajamas: Comfy
28. Woods: Tiger? Unfaithful
29. Wet Socks: Laundry
30. Alcohol: Margarita please
31. Undies: Lacy and skimpy
32. Your best friend: Hilarious and crazy
33. Money: Enough to get by
34. Heartache: Occasional, seasonal
35. Love: Sweetie
36. Time: Can't stop it
37. Divorce: I don't believe in them
38. Today: Fresh start
39. Yesterday: Is another day gone forever
40. You: You make everything alright =)